Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin at specific meridian points. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be very effective in the treatment of pain.

Acupuncture activates cognition-related brain regions. Therefore, it can improve cognitive function and lead to better mood, memory, sleep and stress management. The nerves stimulated by acupuncture cause brain to release endorphins to relax and feel euphoric. Most patients fall asleep during the treatment because of this effect.  

Very fine needles inserted just under the skin can stimulate our body’s meridians and improve the flow of energy. After a consultation, your practitioner will determine the best points to place the needles on your body. You’ll lay on a padded table, and your acupuncturist will begin inserting the needles. 

In addition to the healing effects the needles, the session itself relaxes you. After placing the needles, you’ll rest for about 30 minutes and allow the treatment to unfold. 

Why you should do it:

Aside from pain, Acupuncture is also effective for nausea and vomiting, dental pain, headaches, labor pain, osteoarthritis and women’s health, digestive disorders and much more. 

Community Acupuncture

Our monthly community acupuncture is a great opportunity to participate in collective healing. Done in our open studio, we provide zero gravity chairs for you to relax in while receiving your treatments. This method allows you to focus on your chief complaint and relax. It’s a wonderful way to receive regular care at an affordable price.


Specialty Acupuncture Services