Fascia Sculpting

Fascia sculpting is a deep tissue treatment that targets specific areas to aid in healing injuries, increased range of motion, and can help smooth the appearance of cellulite. This treatment is done on either the upper or lower body to provide maximum attention to the intricate network of fascia. Hand held tools are used in this treatment to comb and align these connective tissues, increase circulation and move deep stagnation. This treatment is great for old or new injuries and physical trauma, helping with mobility, flexibility, range of motion and muscle definition. Fascia is the connective tissue that holds the shape of your muscles. It binds the muscles to the ligaments and ultimately creates the unique and beautiful shape that is YOU! It can also hold on to memories, emotions and traumas from all types of injuries. Fascia sculpting can support your long term healing with old injuries as well as quicken the healing and recovery time with new injuries.

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