Pilar’s Postpartum Doula Packages
This package includes 4 or 6 weekly home visits to support your postpartum healing. Included in each visit is bodywork, herbal vaginal steams, nourishing postpartum specific Ayurvedic meal + snacks, nourishing herbal infusions + an herbal infusion home set-up, weekly belly binding + support and counselling for new moms.
Benefits of postpartum bodywork:
Receiving a weekly restorative Ayurvedic massage with herbal oils helps to heal the body in early postpartum. Soothing aching muscles from birth and breastfeeding, plus the innumerable benefits of grounded touch by skilled hands for a new mom who is overwhelmed and over-tired.
Benefits of Infant Massage:
Soothing touch for baby helps calm an overstimulated, developing nervous system. Supports digestion, circulation, and sleep. The oils used are organic botanicals to support the skin and are calming and nourishing to the skin. This practice supports breast feeding, digestion and sleep for baby.
Benefits of Nourishing Ayurvedic foods & snacks:
Taking nourishing foods in postpartum is incredibly important. Having someone cook for you is even better. Ayurved takes into account the primary doshic imbalances that occur post pregnancy and birth. “Healthy” can be described in many ways, but not all support a new mom and baby. Nourishing meals that are delicious, easy to digest and nutrient dense are best. Only organic and the highest quality ingredients are used for your meals and snacks.
Benefits of Vaginal Steaming:
Herbal Vaginal steaming is incredibly supportive to the perineal area post-birth (surgical birth as well as vaginal birth). It helps to ease post-birth bleeding and quickens healing of any trauma to the tissues from tearing or stitches. Soothing herbs to support overall vaginal health and recovery from birth are used and provided in this in-home service.
Benefits of Nourishing Herbal Infusions:
Nourishing Herbal Infusions in the Wise Woman traditions are known to boost breast milk, support any blood loss, boost energy and hormonal regulation. Red Raspberry can be supportive for uterine involution. Nettle is supportive for iron levels, hair loss and breast milk.
Weekly visits come with a premade infusion as well as an herbal infusion home set up and herbs to make your own at home.
Benefits of Belly Binding:
Belly binding is the process of wrapping the newly postpartum belly with a supportive tightening band to help with uterine involution and proper uterine alignment . It helps with lower back pain, digestive disorders and healing from any abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti).
1x or 2x weekly visits available. Call or email for pricing, or schedule a free 15min phone call with Dr. Pilar for details and availability.