Therapeutic Abdominal Massage
Therapeutic Abdominal Massage (TAM) helps align the viscera (abdominal organs) for optimal function. It increases blood and lymphatic flow to your vital organs. TAM can support proper alignment and placement of the uterus, bladder and intestines. It supports nervous system regulation and respiratory function by releasing tension in the diaphragm. Therapeutic Abdominal Massage is a full body experience, during your treatment lymphatic and Poly-vagal nerve releases support your overall relaxation and health. Focus and time is dedicated to your thorasic and lumbar spine, hips, sacrum and tailbone, as alignment of the boney structures that support your abdomen is just as important.
How TAM supports digestion, fertility, menstrual health, and overall wellness:
Adhesions around the intestines can hinder proper digestion.
Stress and tension around the diaphragm can cause shallow breathing and effects the nervous system.
Proper uterine alignment supports easy menstrual cycles with no pain, cramps, back pain, and other hormonal imbalances.
Proper uterine alignment supports fertility by allowing healthy flow and movement within the entirety of the reproductive system.
Proper bladder alignment supports chronic UTI’s, IC, frequency, urgency and leakage.
Stimulating and invigorating the deep lymphatic reservoirs in the abdomen can help unlock stuck and stagnant energy, emotions and lymphatic circulation.
Alignment of the ilio-sacral ligaments and joints supports free flowing movement and activity in the pudendal nerve complex. The pudendal nerve is responsible for vaginal numbness (low libido, difficulty orgasming), pelvic pain, and urine and fecal incontinence.
What to expect during a Therapeutic Abdominal Massage…
Our Therapeutic Abdominal Massage is a whole body experience. We also address the lymphatic and polyvagal systems for a complete relaxing encounter. All of our sessions include our herbal compresses to warm and soften the tissues.