Well Woman, Pelvic Care Package

This package of eight follow-up wellness visits and four vaginal steams is specifically focused on pelvic and abdominal care, designed for women who are looking to improve discomforts in the abdomen, pelvic pain, or simply nurture and nourish the reproductive organs and digestive system; discomforts such as cramping, irregular cycles, painful ovulation, PMS, bloating, constipation, and frequent urination. Although, none of these need to be present to enjoy the benefits of this work. You will feel lighter and more in-tune with your body. You will gain a deeper connection with your womb, the center of your creative potential. Your digestion will improve and you will be able to connect directly with your body as you will learn the Self-Care techniques to take home with you to practice in between each of our sessions.

Here’s what it looks like…

Arvigo(c) Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy an ancient technique that helps correct a displaced uterus. The womb, being an incredibly mobile organ, can become displaced easily with modern life causing myriad symptoms and pathologies. The Mayans believed that the womb is a woman’s center, come misaligned many issues and conditions follow. The treatment itself helps strengthen and support the ligaments and tendons that hold in place this amazing organ. Increasing the blood flow to this region of the body helps aid in fertility and digestion as well as easing uncomfortable symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause. When this treatment is received regularly, it can have dramatic effects by re-aligning the uterus and balancing hormones.

Castor Oil Treatments, inspired from the Edgar Cayce Treatment. Warm castor oil (Palma Christi) is applied to the abdomen and massaged into the skin, then a wool flannel and hot water bottle help it to deeply penetrate into the body. While the oil is being absorbed you will receive a reflexology treatment on your feet and legs. When castor oil is absorbed through the skin from these packs, some truly extraordinary events take place.

  • The lymphocyte count of the blood increases as a result of the oil’s positive influence on the thymus gland, lymphatic tissue, or both.

  • The flow of lymph increases throughout the body, speeding up the removal of toxins surrounding the cells and reducing the size of swollen lymph nodes.

  • You will notice a general overall improvement in organ function with a reduction of fatigue and depression.

  • As toxicity is reduced, the pH of the saliva becomes less acidic, signaling improved health, and the Peyer’s patches in the small intestines more efficiently absorb fatty acids, which are essential for the formation of hormones and other components necessary for growth and repair.


Herbal Yoni Steam “Bajos”, as they are known in Spanish, are used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus in conjunction with the Arvigo© Therapy for the treatment of numerous female symptoms. It is a lovely and nurturing time for you to spend in self reflection or meditation as you receive the healing benefits of the herbal steam between your wellness visits. These treatments have been known to increase libido, nourish and lubricate the tissues, support fertility, increase circulation and improve overall well-being.

Total investment individually would be *$1600.

As with a prepaid discount *$1400.

*Does not include additional recommendations. **All treatments must be used within 6 months of start of package